
Estate Planning

Estate planning is a cornerstone of our “peace of mind” mission.  With more than 30 years of experience, our attorneys consider all of your needs and wishes when customizing your estate plan to your situation.


What We Do


We design personalized peace of mind. We manage the complexity to deliver a simple, sophisticated, and elegant estate planning solution so you can shoulder more important things. This is estate planning made easy.


How We Do It


We make things clear and simple. Over 30 years of estate planning knowledge means your process is quick and easy. You will know what we will do, what it will cost, and when it will be completed. We’ve specialized for your benefit. We promise the best experience with no surprises.


Why an estate plan?


A common misconception is that a will is the safest way to protect your estate. However, the best way to secure your estate and ensure the proper division of its assets is through a customized estate plan. Estate plans are made up of a will, healthcare directive, power of attorney, and trust. Each piece is essential to ensure your estate plan is executed responsibly and respectfully. A carefully executed estate plan also protects your estate against probate and estate taxes.


What is probate and why should I avoid it?


When your estate goes into probate, your will enters a judicial process to determine where and how your assets will be distributed. Very rarely are your wishes taken into consideration during the probate process. The proceedings can often lead to a lengthy legal battle between beneficiaries of your will. An estate plan removes your estate from judicial processes and ensures it will be distributed at your direction. Learn more about probate and trust administration here.

We care about what is most important to you. Each estate plan is customized to ensure that upon your death, your family and assets are seamlessly cared for, according to your wishes. You and your family will sleep well knowing your estate planning was done by McCullough Law.

Core Estate Planning Documents

The majority of people can achieve peace of mind with what we call the “Core Estate Planning Documents”. Together, these documents create a foolproof solution to ensure the avoidance of probate and that your inheritance plan defines who inherits what, when, and how.

Revocable Trust

During your lifetime, this trust holds primary assets and is under your full control. Upon your death, the successor trustee, whom you appoint, ensures that assets are responsibly administered for your beneficiaries. This trust defines who receives a portion of the assets, how, and when they receive it. A revocable trust also eliminates the need for complex and/or expensive court probate proceedings.

Pour-over Will

This is a safety net. Upon your death, it “pours” any assets into the trust which were not specifically part of the trust during your lifetime. This will can also appoint guardians for minor children.

Durable Power of Attorney

This gives a person, whom you appoint, the authority to sign documents on your behalf. This is extremely helpful as, if you are ever incapacitated, it allows them to sign for you.

Advance Health Care Directive

This gives a person, whom you appoint, the authority to make medical decisions for you if you are unable to make them yourself. This also includes a “Living Will,” which details your wishes for end of life care.

Advanced Estate Planning:
What Some People Need

Asset Protection

Some people have significant assets or unique liability exposure. We can deliver peace of mind by protecting your important assets from lawsuits, bankruptcies, IRS Audits, etc.

Estate Tax Planning

Estate taxes can be minimized or eliminated with careful and timely planning. Our knowledge and expertise has saved our clients millions of dollars in estate taxes.

Income Tax Planning

With careful planning and certain techniques it is possible to save money in income taxes. This includes Non-grantor Trusts (such as NING Trusts), Donor Advised Funds, Charitable Trusts, and more.

Charitable Giving

Through advanced planning, we can maximize the impact and tax benefits of charitable giving with tools such as Donor Advised Funds, Charitable Trusts, Private Foundations, and more.

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